Almost all the students in this school study English every day.
↑これだけが正解というわけではありませんが、ポイントは、Almost all students のallです。
ちゃんとalmost の後にallが入っていればOKです!
almost (ほとんど) と the students (生徒) なので、almost the student で「ほとんどの生徒」としてしまいがちですが、ここには、all が入ります。直接、名詞の前に置くことはできません✨
例: almost all Japanese people / almost all the girls in my class / almost all colleagues
また、ほぼ同じ意味の most (たいていの、大部分の)を使う場合、most people / most students など名詞の前に置けます。
例: most Japanese people / most colleagues / most people
Almost all the teachers in my school are nice and hard-working.
Most of the teachers in my school are nice and hard-working.
Almost all the boys in my class like to play video games.
Most of the boys in my class like to play video games.
Almost all Japanese people like green tea.
Most Japanese people like green tea.