It is very important to set a goal in order to stay motivated in language-learning.
In part 1, I shared how to set a long-term goal for language-learning. Check it out if you haven`t already.
This time…
talk about how to plan action items. (*^^)v
Let`s use the short-term goals we set last time as examples.
短期目標1 Short-term goal #1
By the end of March : be able to ask questions in the target language without hesitation
Think what you should do daily or regularly to achieve the short-term goal above↑.
① 言語交換パートナーや講師との会話で目標言語でどのような質問ができるかを一度書き出してみる
Write down what you can ask your language-exchange partner or teacher during the session
② 質問の仕方の音声を聞く&シャドウイング(音声と変わらなくなるくらい真似する)(毎日)
Listen to the recordings of a native speaker asking those questions & shadowing (practice until you can mimic the recording perfectly) (every day)
Talk to your language-exchange partner and/or teacher and ask questions in the target language at least a few times a week.
“What do you think about it?(どうおもいますか) ”
“How do you say … in English?(英語で~は何といいますか。)”
“Could you repeat that?(もう1度言ってくれますか。)”
“How often do you … ? (どのくらいの頻度で~をしますか。)”
“How do you pronounce this word?” (この単語はどのように発音しますか。)”
短期目標 2 Short-term goal #2
4月末まで…: 言える表現を増やし、自分の話しを簡単に理解してもらえるようにする。
By the end of April: increase the expressions I can use in conversations and make myself understood easily.
In March, you learned how to ask questions.
In April, you will expand your expressions.
Choose five useful expressions, make sentences using those expressions and be able to use them in conversations in the target language.
Using shadowing technique, improve your rhythm, intonation, pause and tone of the target language. (every day)
It is also important to be flexible. If you think your plan is not working for you, or you do not like the action items, feel free to revise them. You do not have to stick to them if you do not feel like doing them. You know what is the most important thing? You find the way you like and continue your language-learning.
You should prepare a buck-up plan in advance. If you are busy on the day and cannot do what you are supposed to do, you have the back-up plan. Buck-up plan should be something easy to do even on a busy day. In this way, you do not let yourself down because you are doing something (plan B), and you can continue doing your action items from the next day onwards.
Don`t be hard on yourself and enjoy your language-learning.