Today, I`d like to share the shadowing technique I use to improve the target languages.
Many people have been talking how shadowing improves your speaking and listening skills. I also think it is effective.
I have been learning Chinese, but its pronunciation and tones are really difficult for me. After analyzing why my Chinese is not improving as the way I want, I realized that it is because I have no confidence in my pronunciation.
So, in order to overcome the problem, I`ve decided to tackle my pronunciation for 6 weeks as a challenge. Finding some spare time every day, I practice shadowing one dialogue per week.
Here is how I practice shadowing .
It is applicable to any language. Try it!
準備/ Preparation :
◆Week1の会話文を決める(音声つき)/ Choose a dialogue for week1 (with audio)
・Choose a dialogue that suits your level! Don`t choose the difficult one!
◆会話文の内容を理解する/ Understand the dialogue.
・There is no point listening if you do not understand the contents.
Listen to the audio many times while reading the transcript silently before shadowing
・Write down important points.
Are you ready? Let`s begin!
シャドーイング/ Shadowing
Without looking at the transcript, produce a sound right after the audio. Mimic the rhythm, intonation, pauses and tones as much as possible.
Practice repeatedly
When you are ready, read the dialogue aloud by yourself
If you cannot read the dialogue well by yourself, practice shadowing again.
When you are ready, record yourself.
Compare your recording and the sample audio.
Write down the tasks for the next day.
You should compare your recording of today and several days ago. It should give you confidence! And more importantly, it is effective to make yourself stay motivated!
Let`s enjoy language-learning together!
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