It is very important to set a goal in order to stay motivated in language-learning.
What language goals do you have?
If you cannot answer it right away, please think about it now.
例えば …
For example…
◆学んでいる言語(目標言語)を使って仕事をする/ Work using the target language
◆目標言語を使って旅行を楽しむ / Enjoy a trip using the target language
◆目標言語で書かれている本や記事を読む / Read books and articles written in the target language
◆目標言語が話されている国で学ぶ・生活する / Study or live in the country where the target language is spoken
◆目標言語を話す方と世間話をする/ Make a small conversation with people who speak the target language
If you don`t have a goal, it is really difficult to stay motivated. You cannot see where you are heading.
So, When you are setting a goal, let`s see what sort of things you have to consider.
- 具体的? / Specific?
- 測定(可視化)できる? / Measurable?
- 難しいが実現可能? / Achievable?
- 自分に必要? / Relevant?
- 期限は? / Time-bound?
Let`s take a look at the goal “Enjoy a trip using the target language” as an example.
- 具体的ですか?Is it Specific enough?
もう少し具体的な方がいいですよね。It should be a little more specific.
旅行中にどんなことを目標言語を使って行いたいのか。What would you like to do using the target language during a trip?
For example, “Join a pottery lesson using only the target language”.
You can measure it by checking if you can understand the instruction and enjoy the experience.
3. 実現可能ですか? Achievable?
Check whether your current ability is not too far from your goal. If it is too far, it is difficult to stay motivated.
4. 自分に必要ですか? Relevant?
Make sure the goal you`ve set is what you really want to. There is no point having the goal of being able to read a book in target language when what you really want is to be able to communicate with friends.
5. 期限はいつですか? Time-bound?
By setting the due date, it will be easier to set the short-term goals and action items, and it brings you closer to achieving the goal.
Set a goal like this.
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talk about how to set short-term goals and action items. (*^^)v
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